讲座通知:德国东巴伐利亚雷根斯堡应用技术大学Prof. Dr. Rupert Schreiner 教授讲座报告



报告题目:MEMS Vacuum Sensors


报告人:R. Schreiner教授, Faculty of General Sciences and Microsystems Technology, OTH Regensburg

D-93051 Regensburg, Germany


时间及地点: 2016418日上午1015 , 地点:光电楼401




AbstractVacuum processes are widely used in all fields of Industry. As in other fields of technology, the trend in vacuum measurement is towards miniaturization using MEMS. The straightforward way of measuring pressure as force per area (e.g. by measuring the deflection of a thin silicon membrane) is independent of the process gas species. However, this direct measurement principle is restricted to a pressure range greater than approx. 1 mbar due to the limited sensitivity of the MEMS membrane, given by its thickness and area. For lower pressures, only indirect methods are available.  By measuring the thermal conductance of the residual gas (Pirani sensor) a lower pressure limit of approx. 10-5 mbar can be obtained, which is sufficient for a wide range of applications. Due to the indirect method, the output signal of these sensors depends on the process gas in the chamber. In this talk I will report on a sensor system consisting of a membrane sensor, a MEMS Pirani sensor and a microcontroller. The influence of the gas species on the output signal of our MEMS Pirani sensor was significantly reduced by an automated calibration procedure based on a curve fitting in the overlap region of the two measurement ranges during evacuation. This sensor system allows pressure measurement over the complete measurement range almost independent of the actual chamber gas composition.

Prof. Dr. Rupert Schreiner was born in Grafenau, Germany in 1971. He studied physics in Munich (Germany), Dublin (Ireland), Regensburg (Germany), and Stuttgart (Germany). He received the M.Sc. degree in physics from the University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, in 1997 and the Ph.D. degree from Stuttgart University, Stuttgart, Germany, in 2002. At the Microstructure Laboratory, Stuttgart University, he started research on InGaAs(P)/InP semiconductor lasers. In 2001 he joined Infineon Technologies, Munich, Germany, to work on optoelectronic microsystems. Between 2004 and 2005 he was appointed as CTO of Parolink Technologies in Hsinchu Science Park (Taiwan). 2005 and 2006 he was project manager in the Technology Transfer of Infineon from Villach (Austria) to Kulim (Malaysia). Since 2006 he is Professor of Applied Physics at the Faculty of Microsystems Technology at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) in Regensburg, Germany. His major research interests are microsystems, microsensors and optoelectronics.  Dr. Schreiner is a member of the German Physical Society.


