

报告题目:High Efficiency Quantum Memory and Manipulation of the Structure Light in Atomic Ensemble



报告人:曹明涛 博士,巴黎索邦大学

邀请人:黄坤 教授


报告摘要:High efficiency reversible entanglement transfer between light and matter is a crucial requisite for the ongoing developments of quantum information technologies. Single-photon entanglement into and out-of two quantum memories constitutes an important capability that is needed towards larger scale networks and increased functionality. In this talk, I will show the story how we push the quantum memory efficiency to 90% in the free space lab, also present the high efficiency entanglement transfer from the quantum photonics state to matters. If time allows, I will also briefly show our previous work on the manipulation of the structured light in atomic ensemble, Ghost imaging resolution enhancement and imaging cloning based on coherent process in atomic ensemble.


报告人简介:曹明涛,2015年博士毕业于西安交通大学,2016-2019获得欧洲“玛丽居里”资助,在巴黎索邦大学Laboratoire Kastler Brossel 实验室从事博士后研究,主要从事光量子信息处理科学与技术领域,通过基于原子冷源子系综的光量子存储器,在高光学厚度系统中实现了偏振量子比特的高效率以及高保真度存储,同时完成量子纠缠态高效率转换,为构建高效量子网络提供重要实验依据。





