

 报告题目:30 years of data analytics: What has been learnt?30年的数据分析:从中学得到了什么呢?


报告人: 刘小惠 教授,英国布鲁奈尔大学

邀请人: 田恩刚 教授

报告人介绍:刘小惠博士是河海大学第一批(78级)计算机本科生, 2000年任英国布鲁奈尔大学计算机科学终身教授. 多年来刘教授从事人工智能和数据科学研究及在其他领域的应用. 共发表学术论文300余篇, 2014起连续是全球高被引科学家. 1995年创建了国际智能数据分析会议. 2005年获IDA奠基人奖. 2015-2016应邀参加了每六年一次的评估荷兰全国计算机科学研究质量的国际评委会. 多次担任英国皇家统计学会和几个国家研究基金会顾问. 曾任荷兰莱顿(Leiden)大学帕斯卡尔(Pascal)名誉教授(2004), 哈佛医学院访问科学家(2005), 中国科学院访问教授(2010), 和南京理工大学江苏特聘教授(2012).


报告内容摘要:Over the past 30 years, we have witnessed an exponential growth of data as well as our continuing drive in making good sense of them. However, the widening gap between data generation and data comprehension, a phenomenon observed almost three decades ago, is still there and probably getting worse. In this talk, I will take a personal journey to look at key developments in this challenging interdisciplinary field, and examine what has worked and also on what has not yet. Issues deserving much more attention than they currently receive will be highlighted, and examples will be drawn from diverse fields including biology, computing, engineering and health.

