

 报告题目: Nanoscale sensing and bioimaging in nanomedicine and photonics engineering




报告人:Jana B. Nieder博士,伊比利亚国际纳米技术实验室(International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory



Recent results in the various areas of research and development in the Nanophotonics department at INL will be presented including the nanophotonics-enabled sensing and bioimaging for nanomedicine techniques, as well as photonic micro- and nanofabrication engineering for bioinspired photonic structures and devices.

Light emitting nanoparticles and molecules can be used to sense environments with nanometric resolution. Temperature is a crucial parameter in cell biology that influences the metabolism of cells. Recently various proteins can be transformed into a physiological active nanothermometer. This is achieved by simply adding a fluorescent dye to the larger protein scaffold leading to improved ratios of molecular rotational freedom and the characteristic excited state lifetime of the emitter. Temperature variations associated to intrinsic exothermic enzymatic reactions demonstrated by our group can be followed in situ.

The results that we achieved in the area of 3D fabrication in photoresist materials using ultrafast femtosecond laser sources for two photon polymerization based microfabrication will be presented aiming to deploy in various areas including tissue engineering.


Dr. rer. nat. Jana B. Nieder is the Head of the Nanophotonics department and Group leader of the “Ultrafast Bio- and Nanophotoncis” group at INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory in Portugal.

Dr. rer. nat. Jana B. Nieder studied Physics at the Free University Berlin, Germany and University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France. After her PhD in 2011 on the topic of “Single Molecule Spectroscopy on Pigment-Protein Complexes” she moved from studying individual proteins at 1.4 K low temperatures to performing femtosecond laser pump probe experiments at room temperature to study the quantum coherent nature of energy transfer during her postdoc at ICFO- Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona as well as plasmonic interaction effects on such systems. She published her work in high impact journals such as Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., JACS, PNAS and Science besides others.

At INL she translates her experience in fundamental single molecule research to more applied nanotechnologies such as: Nanothermometry based on fluorescence characteristics (ACS Photonics), Nearfield-based super resolution microscopy, Nonlinear bioimaging for nanodrug delivery, development of nano-optical light emitting devices and uses femtosecond laser sources for the microfabrication of 3D structures via two photon polymerization techniques.

  The aim of the R&D efforts at INL is to make an impact in the areas of nanomedicine, where advanced characterization of the biophysical properties, such as nanoscale temperature and magnetic fields may play a role in optimizing medical therapies, and photonic devices, where the use bioinspired neuromorphic approaches or new optical materials hold the promise of energy efficient technologies in lighting, communication and computing.

