



报告题目: 基于光学二维超材料(metasurface)的新型超薄光学器件设计与实现

                     Optical metasurface for novel flat optical devices realization



报告时间:2017116  1000-1130







Optical metasurfaces, the engineered interfaces consisting of metal or dielectric nanopatterns, have drawn considerable attention in the scientific community due to their exotic electromagnetic properties and breakthroughs for light phase and polarization manipulation. Metasurface has been widely adopted in many applications such as lensing, beam steering, polarization control, and holograms. In this talk, the theoretical background and fabrication process about metasurface will be introduced firstly. Then the metasurface devices with novel functionalities, such as polarization measurements, helicity multiplexed holograms, and polarization controlled superposition of orbital angular momentums, will be demonstrated and discussed.



   岳夫永现于加拿大国立科学研究院(INRS)进行博士后研究。其研究领域包括纳米光学,量子光学,二维超材料,全息成像,轨道角动量调控,以及矢量光束生成。现阶段主要研究方向为超材料在量子光学系统中的应用。岳夫永2014年硕士毕业于北京理工大学古天乐代言太阳集团城网址,然后赴英国赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt University )攻读博士学位,于2017年博士毕业, 并获得学院优秀博士论文奖。目前第一作者发表了Nature communications, Nature-Light: Science and Applications, Advanced Materials, ACS Photonics 等十余篇论文.

Dr. Fuyong Yue is currently a postdoc at the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS), Canada. His research subjects include nanophotonics, quantum photonics, 2D metamaterials, holograms, orbital angular momentums and vector beam generation. Now his research focuses on the interface between the 2D metamaterial and quantum photonics. He did his master’s degree in School of Optoelectronics from Beijing Institute of Technology and graduated on 2014. Then he pursued his Doctoral degree at Heriot-Watt University, UK, and graduated at 2017. He is awarded the School best PhD thesis prize. He published 11 papers during his PhD study, including Nature Communications, Nature-Light: Science and Applications, Advanced materials, ACS Photonics and Scientific Reports. 

