ICARCV 2008会议通知


CALL FOR PAPERS 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision ICARCV 2008 http://www.icarcv.org/17- 20 December 2008, Hanoi, VietnamThe 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2008, will be held in Hanoi from 17 - 20 December 2008. The conference is co-organised by the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore and Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology. The technical sponsors are IEEE Control Systems Society, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society. ICARCV focuses on both theory and applications mainly covering the topics of control, automation, robotics and vision. In addition to the technical sessions, there will be invited sessions and keynote addresses.The Proceedings of ICARCV are indexed by ISI Proceedings, EI Compendex and included in the IEEE Xplore.The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Control: Adaptive control; Robust control; Process control; Complex systems; Co-operative control; Identification and estimation; Nonlinear systems; Intelligent systems; Discrete event systems; Hybrid systems; Networked control systems; Sensor network systems; Delay systems; Neural networks; Fuzzy systems; Control of biological systems; Precision motion control; Control applications; Control engineering education.Automation: Man-machine interactions; Process automation; Intelligent automation; Factory modeling and simulation; Home, laboratory and service automation; Network-based systems; Planning, scheduling and coordination; Nano-scale automation and assembly; Instrumentation systems; Biomedical instrumentation and applications.Robotics: Modeling and identification; Robot control; Mobile robotics; Mobile sensor networks; Perception systems; Micro robots and micro-manipulation; Visual servoing; Search, rescue and field robotics; Robot sensing and data fusion; Localization, navigation and mapping; Dexterous manipulation; Medical robots and bio-robotics; Human centered systems; Space and underwater robots; Tele-robotics; Mechanism design and applications.Vision: Image/video analysis; Feature extraction, grouping and segmentation; Scene analysis; Pattern recognition; Learning in vision; Human-computer interaction; Tracking and surveillance; Biometrics; Biomedical Image analysis; Activity/behaviour recognition; Applications.Best Paper Award: Selection of the best paper will be made at the Conference based on both the technical content and presentation. The winner will be chosen by the Technical Program Committee in consultation with the International Advisory Committee.Paper Submission: Papers must be written in English and should describe original work in detail. Please download the template from the conference website and submit the full papers online http://www.icarcv.org/ by 1 April, 2008.Upon acceptance, authors will be required to register and present their papers.Invited Sessions: Invited sessions are to provide a forum for focused discussions on new topics, or innovative applications of established approaches. The Technical Program Committee is soliciting proposals for invited sessions focusing on topics of ICARCV 2008. Prospective organisers should submit proposals to Invited Session Chairman, Li, Zhengguo via ezgli@ntu.edu.sg or Co-Chairmen Meng, Max Q.-H. via max@ee.cuhk.edu.hk and Cao, Tien Huynh via lena_capit@yahoo.com. The deadline for submitting the proposals is 1 March, 2008 and the procedures in Organising invited sessions can be found in http://www.icarcv.org/2008/InvProcedure.asp.Keynote Speeches:Networked Control for Autonomous SystemsRichard M. Murray, California Institute of Technology, USAArt and RoboticsKatsushi Ikeuchi, University of Tokyo, JapanWavelets and Advanced Biomedical ImagingMichael Unser, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland A post conference tour to Ha Long Bay, a beautiful nature sight in Vietnam, will be organized. Ha Long Bay is a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site and it is currently one of the top candidates of the New 7 Wonders of Nature Nominees.Important Dates Deadline for Full Paper submission : 1 April 2008 Deadline for Invited Session proposals : 1 March 2008 Notification of Acceptance : 1 July 2008 Deadline for Final Manuscript Submission : 1 September 2008 Deadline for Authors' Registration : 1 September 2008 We would appreciate if you could distribute the Call for Papers to those who might be interested.For further information, please send an email to secretariat@icarcv.org. Soh, Yeng ChaiGeneral ChairNguyen, Khoa SonGeneral Co-ChairWen, ChangyunProgram ChairPham, Thuong CatProgram Co-ChairIf you do not wish to receive further mailings from us, please click here to have your email address removed from our mailing list. We apologize if you have received multiple copies of this announcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. 学院办公室-计算机与电气工程学院 13:28:16 2008-3-18 星期二